Steel water tanks are one of the best ways to store water. It can store water for long period of time. Apart from storing water, steel tanks are also used for storage of aviation fuel, chemicals, rainwater, and etc. You can see these steel tanks at many places where they have to supply the water to a very large number people, such as offices, hospitals, residential apartments, restaurants and more.
These steel water tanks can be underground tanks too. Underground tanks are used because the upper space can be utilized for different purpose. These underground tanks not only stores the water can also be used for storing waste. These wastes sometimes contain radioactive liquids and steel tanks are able to store them for long period of time.
Apart from these, steel tanks can also be used for storing agriculture and livestock liquid wastes, grey water, industrial chemically contaminated wastewater etc.
Japan has started using modular tanks made of stainless steel in 1970s. The reason behind using these giant tanks for storing water was that ductility and elasticity of the material which can absorb the jerks of earthquakes.
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