Monday, 7 January 2019

How To Maintain Rainwater Tanks In Melbourne?

Rainwater is collected by each and every household in the tanks fitted with high quality filters and sterilizers. Rainwater tanks in Melbourne are generally filled to use later for different purposes like washing clothes and cleaning purposes, while some use the water for cooking and drinking. Proper maintenance of water tank keeps the contents in best condition.

Maintenance is very cheap and it also lengthens the life of filters and other equipments. Water in a well maintained water tanks in Melbourne is also fresh for longer time.

The first step for proper maintenance is climbing up the tank and check for:
  • The roof, the liner, leaf baskets are all in good working shape.
  • There are no insects flying or swimming around. Live beings like frogs, tadpoles around the tank should be removed.
  • Dead insects like rats, frogs, possums, snakes could be dangerous. Any such debris should be removed to avoid contamination of water.
  • The clarity of water. One should be able to see the bottom of the tank.
Once these factors are checked, then the following basic maintenance should be carried out.

The basic processes to be repeated after 1-2 months are:
  • Clean the roof of the tank: Cut all the overhanging tree or branches.
  • Clearing of gutters: It is important for collection of good rain water and for fire prevention. A gutter guard or self cleaning system can be installed.
  • Down pipes and drainage of the tanks should be cleaned. Flush the contents of tank every 12 months. It is suggested to install drain points and flush diverters to increase water quality.
  • Check and clean entry box: This can be contamination point as all the water of the tank passes through this point.
If few points like the above are taken care off, then water of the tank would help in long run.

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