Monday, 29 April 2019

Know the Secret behind Selecting the Correct Shape of Water Tank

Water tanks are used for storing water to use it later for various applications like drinking water, agriculture, fire suppression, food preparation, etc. Various materials like plastic, concrete, fiberglass are used in the making of these tanks in different shapes.

The most common shapes found are cubical and cylindrical. Of the two, experts say that cylindrical is the best design. You can find PVC tanks in this shape. It is very rare to find tanks of other materials, in this shape. These round tanks enjoy a structural advantage over cubical shaped tanks.

Transferring water is generally done in specialized tanks called cartage tanks. These tanks also come in a cylindrical shape. So in short, you can say that an ideal shape for water or a liquid is the tubular shape.

Few advantages of having water tanks in cylindrical shape are:
  • Economical structure: A cylindrical tank requires less material to construct when compared to a box-shaped tank, with the same capacity. So the spherical tanks cost less when compared to other tanks. The process of making tanks with a circular base is not as complicated as the cubical tank.
  • Structural strength: Among all the geometrical structures, the circle is the strongest. This mathematical fact proves that spherical tanks can withstand more outward pressure than any other shaped tank. These tanks are believed to last longer than others and generally will not have any leakage problem.
  • Less evaporation: The area exposed to the sun will be less and so the amount of water getting evaporated will be low. A reduction in the surface area also helps water to remain cold in summer and warm in winters.
  • Easy to clean and maintain: Round tanks will be easier to clean as they do not have any corners. Absence of more than one surface rules out joints, reducing chances of leakage, making it easy to maintain.
You can use these tanks to store normal water or rain-water. It is very important to select the correct place for such tanks. You can seek the advice of experts in this regard.

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